Local Golf Rules

- Breakfast ball allowed on 1st hole (one allowed, can be used on any shot outside of 6' off of green)

- No 4 putts

- May play ball up anywhere on course within 6 inches of original spot. Can not change position of ball from different conditions (i.e. from rough to fairway). Moving out of divots is allowed.

- Sand included - lift ball, smooth, place

- All OB can he played as a lateral hazard (like red stakes)

- All water hazards horizontal to fairway, ball may be dropped on the green side of water in agreed upon location with opponent

- Playing partners may give mulligan to opponent if feel warranted

- Max score on any hole is net double bogie (net double bogie is double bogie plus number of strokes on scorecard for the given hole)

- All play is match play so can concede hole but still play out for handicap round purposes during Fourball and Singles matches until reach net double bogie (don’t need to putt out conceded putts).

- Small sticker on clubs are allowed