Dan - in by 5 pm, TBD
Damon - arriving sometime by private transport directly to hotel
Greg - arriving sometime by truck
Tyler 6:35 pm to VSP
Dave 6:50 pm to VSP
Airport pickup for both by Dan ~ 7:15 pm
Below are scheduled arrival times for 2025 participants and plans for getting to the house.
Thursday Plan for Wed Arrivals
Damon, Dan, Dave, Tyler golf - Dan drive
After golf, pick up Ethan at airport then head to Publix and then to house for 4 pm check-in & meeting host
Thursday 2nd Arrivals
Justin & Nolan in 12:16 to VSP
Anthony (arriving by car) pickup at airport ~ 12:45
Anthony shuttle after golf, Publix stop then house
Thursday 1st Arrivals
Jeff, Mike & Ryan 11:00 am to VSP
Greg pick up from airport
After golf head to Publix and then house
Thursday PNS Arrivals
Chris in 2:33 pm
Chris Uber to close course for practice while waiting for Bill
Bill in 4:10 pm
Bill renting car, pick up Chris then head to house with Publix stop on the way
Ethan 2:40 to VSP
Dan to pick up on way from golf to house
Rob 7 pm to VSP
Bob & Brendan (arriving by car) pick up on way into Destin
Head to house for dinner
Can run back out for Publix or send shopping list to Dan ahead of time
Thursday Later Arrivals
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